Rabu, 08 Desember 2010

COA XII Science Class

Hari2 yang kulalui bersama mereka takkan pernah terganti sampai akhir hayatku. Suka, duka menerima pelajaran di sekolah, gonta ganti guru, dan berjuang dan berperang melawan seorang "MAFIA" akan menjadi kenangan manis yang takkan tergantikan. Masuknya kami ke dalam kelas XI IPA merupakan awal dari perjuangan kami, dengan Bu Diana sbg wali kls kami sekaligus mama kami di sekolah. Beliau selalu memberi kami semangat dan dorongan agar kami menjadi anak yang berbudi, santun, dan tidak cengeng serta pantang menyerah menghadapi sang "MAFIA". Banyak kejadian yang kami lalui di XI IPA. Beliau berhasil menuntun kami ke depan pintu gerbang "XII IPA", tentunya tak lepas dari perjuangan kami sendiri agar tetap dapat melewati hari2 bersama-sama.

Kami harus 2 kali belok ke kiri untuk mencapai gerbang XII IPA, dan di sanalah mami kami, Bu Saulina menunggu di gerbang menyambut kami semua dengan senyumnya dan tawanya yang ceria. "Kelas ini harus lulus semua", itulah pesan beliau di awal tahun ajaran. Sekarang, mami jatuh sakit dan kami merasa kehilangan sosoknya yang ceria di sekolah, cepat sembuh ya mami. Doa kami sll besertamu. Tanpa mami, kami janji kami akan tetap berusaha melakukan yang terbaik.Pesan dari Pak Andreas (guru matematika kami):"Saling membantu dan solid." menjadi modal utama kami melawan "MAFIA". "Tenang dan nyaman",itulah suasana di kelas kami, layaknya sebuah keluarga, di kelas itulah kami tinggal bersama, melalui suka dan duka bersama. Setiap hari kami mendaki "gunung" bernama Kristoforus I setinggi 4 lantai demi mencapai puncak di mana kami menuntut ilmu.Naik dan turun gunung adalah salah satu perjuangan kami dalam menaklukkan "MAFIA".

"Sesuatu akan indah tepat pada waktunya" - Bu Erni-

Semoga kami dapat mendaki gunung yang lebih tinggi lagi dalam mencapai cita-cita kami dan semoga kami dapat mencapai GERBANG KELULUSAN bahkan KESUKSESAN.



♥ U, COA!

Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

My Love Story begins from 2007 NY

"Why don't you make a relationship with someone? Don't you have feeling?"
Those are two questions that I hv never answered before, I just say no comment to those who asked me about my status.
Why? because I just dun wanna let everybody knows abt my love story. I have been in relationship with a Spanish boy, called Carlos when I was in 8th an 9th grade... He's the one I really loved, but unfortunately we were separated by distance, as I have to go back to Indonesia n he has to b back to Spain. He's a good guy, he's so humorist, and he's low-profile. And also romantic.... If you guys know how was the way he told me that he loves me, so surprising, and in front of all of my schoolmates n teachers in Peking... We were in re-ship for 1 year past 3 months... I just wish he can live enjoyable, and he can get the best soulmate for him. We're still keep in contact and he said he's with a girl from Spain too, called Riebeca.

How about now? I have too, hahaha, I always say to my friends: long distance isn't bad at all... well, I bet they didn't know what do I mean, and they think that I have never been in long-distance re-ship.... You're wrong guys! I am being in an re-ship with a guy in Italy, he's Alessandro. He's a cute guy, he's keen in English and Spanish too :) I was falling in love with him at a concert where we did a duet. Not a big concert actually, just a God Worship Concert. We hv been known each other for about 1 year, and we're in re-ship for 7 months. :) hehehe.

Some of my friends know about the whole love story of mine.... :) Will I get married wif a foreigner, or not? or even I will never get married for the rest? I told my mom that I will never get married as I don't want hahahaha... :) sounds silly, but yes that's me!

Selasa, 30 November 2010

We Depend on You (writer: Sonia)

Here I am....

Singing for the world...

Lots of disasters happen....


I love You, God...

We surrender ourselves on You...

We depend on You....

We depend on You....


You're the one who know...

You're the one who handle....

You're the one who can stop them...

Are they the signs of Doomsday?

What do You plan for the next?

We believe...

You have a beautiful plan....

I love You, God...

We surrender ourselves on You...

We depend on You....


I made this song myself, and I sang it twice... :) hehehe. This song was successfuly made last week :)And it was translated by my friend into Spanish: (MUCHOS GRACIAS FOR JACK!) :)

Aquí estoy ....
Cantando parar el mundo ...
Muchos de los desastres que suceden ....
Todos los días ...

Te amo, Dios ...
Nos entregamos a Tí ...
Dependemos de Tí....
Dependemos de Tí....

Dios,Tú eres el que sabe ...
Tu el que manejas ....
Tu eres el único que puede detenerlos ...

¿Son los signos del Juicio Final?
¿Qué piensas de los próximos planes ?
Creemos que ...
tienes un plan hermoso ....

Te amo, Dios ...
Nos entregamos a Ti ...
Dependemos de Tí....
Para siempre .....

AVE MARIA (my fave song)

She was lost in so many different ways
Out in the darkness with no guide
I know the cost of a losing hand
Never thought the grace of God go high

I found heaven on earth
You were my last, my first
And then I hear this voice inside
Ave Maria

I've been alone when I'm surrounded by friends
How could the silence be so loud?
But I still go home knowing that I've got you
There's only us when the lights go down

You are my heaven on earth
You are my hunger, my thirst
I always hear this voice inside
Singing Ave Maria

Sometimes love can come and pass you by
While your busy making plans
Suddenly hit you and then you realize
It's out of your hands, baby you got to understand

You are my heaven on earth
You are my last, my first
And then I hear this voice inside
Ave Maria, Ave Maria, Ave Maria

Senin, 29 November 2010

The lastest year of my SH life

happy.... sad..... can't believe... feel that time flies so fast.... YEAH! those are my feelings...

I have to leave my friends, family, teachers, and all of my relations in Indonesia next year, looking for a better life for sure... And Taiwan is my choice! Why TW? I choose TW because I can learn Chinese traditional language, maybe I can get some education related with business around this world, but one knowledge which I can't get in another country is: Chinese traditional language.

Hard to say goodbye to them, especially to my mom. I love her so much, I feel hard to leave her because I worry about her health, she has a high pressure blood which is so dangerous for her, once she fall down, she will get stroke, and I don't wanna let it happen. Hard to say GB to my friends too, why? because I spent almost whole of my time with them in the recent 2 years, we're just like a family who are living in a class together. They are going to universities too, I am sure about it, my friends are also smart, they will never waste their time! They are going to univs in Indonesia, but me?? I am not! although they seperated by the univs and faculties, but they can keep in contact, keep face to face still, but me? NO! ahhhhhhhh, God! Is this the ebst way for me? Telling the truth, I really enjoy my life now, I am quite afraid with all the things that are gonna be changing someday. I believe You have a beautiful plan for me.

Thanks for the chance! :)
also thanks to my aunt who will pay for my fee later! hug... :)


Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

Confuse is my middle name. ANYONE HELP ME PLSSSS :)

I think "confuse" is my middle name. hehehe... Why is it so?

because I always feel confuse recently, no matter what the problem is, I always feel this way. Myb, bcause I think too much about the future result. hmmmm, yes, it could b like tht.

Today, I feel confused bcause I have to choose : to be Mandarin teacher as how I do usually, or change job, be a Mandarin English translator? Why?

Because I am in XII grade right now, and I'm in science class which is so hard to b passed if I don't stay focus at school nor study hard. I must stay focus n do my best at school, I cannot waste my time to be on Jakarta's roads which always be in traffic. No day without traffic jam.

Talking about opportunity chance n money, be a translator is much better than being a teacher in my country.

I asked lots of people, asked them for advices, the conclusion is: Translator position seems like a good opportunity, but if you like teaching then you have to think about it. It all depends on what you have pasion for.

All things they have said r truth. I cannot lie myself that I enjoyed my job as a Mandarin teacher n English teacher, although it makes me tired everyday, because I have to move from one place to another places, but I enjoy it. I feel glad to share my ability n education to my students, I don't care if they're older than me or not.

What I'm thinking about is: Can I enjoy my up-coming job (translating documents, films, etc.) n feel happy as how I feel right now???????

Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010

My sweet 17

hey, guys! long time no see.... hehehe..... :)

Where I was?

I went to a beautiful place inside my heart, i feel so happy now. n been busy with my school though LOL :)

I wanna retell my sweet 17 b-day party

here it's....

17 July 2010 that day,
It's raining outside in the morning, I was worried bcause I'm afraid my friends n relations couldn't come...

I went to barber @1 pm,
made up n dressed up - these are what I did

I feel like a princess that day. hehehe. It has been 9 years since my lastest bday party, I made over myself perfectly!! :)

Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

My Idol (my version)

ini adl 3 wonder moms yg g knal... mmh, mrka udh ibu2 sih,... tp, mrka gaul... jiwa mrka msh muda2.... 3 ibu2 yg g knal dr facebook... ya.... facebook emg buat g knal byk org..... hmmmh, ga tau knp, g mrasa mrka itu super n wonder women.... hehehehe..... mrka bertiga pny pribadi yg super beda........

1. Kak O***, dia orgnya gampang gaul kykny sm org lain, pencair susana, ramah, nd rameeeee......kk yg 1 ini super2 sayang sm ank2nya... nd super2 believes in God, dia udh nyadarin k gw pntingnya hidup nd hadirnya Tuhan dlm hidup gw... pengen jd penyanyi cool nd ga sombong kyk dia, tp.. bs ga yah?? hahahaha...^^ kapan2 ktmu d PCafe lg ya, kak.... Pengalaman pertama kali manggung @stage of cafe, ya karena dia.. :) THUMBS UP FOR U, SUPER MOM!

2. Kak T***, dia tipe ibu yg baik juga, pekerja keras, mood2an juga kykna. Dari ke-3 mama yg ada di posting ini, dialah yg plg pendiam... hehehe... However, she's a SUPER WOMAN for me... She always says: Never say "No, I can't before you do anything"...dia jg motivator gw dlm belajar, tiap hr remind me trusss... =p thanks yaaa, skrg gw udh bs bljr kyk dlu...oiya, gw sm dia byk kpribadian nd hobby yg sama stlh dicocokin... nd our fave colour jg sama lohhh, purple!! huahahaha...Inggrisnya jempolan deh!!! ckckck.... She knows almost everything I asked, well-educated!Ayo, Kak! kpn ktmuan lg?

Kak A****, mmmh, ibu yg 1 ini nih, anter jmput ank2nya, jaga ank2....maklum, sang hubby org yg cukup sibuk.. dia prnh ngaku k g klo dia suka jln2..... mmmh, what else??? oiya, dia sm bawelny sm g d ym... hahaha.... ^^ ni org rame juga, asikkkk....dia sll support gw in every situation... sepi klo sebulan ga chat sm dia... hehhe.. :) Kpn yok k Pisa lg?? wkwkwk :))

well, itu smua ttg kk2 baru g.... yg jlas nih readers, g bljr byk dr mrkaaaaa.... bljr ttg hidup....... nd THANKS 4 YR SUPPORT, SISTERSSSSSS.... smg kita bs jd sisters slamanya........ sng bs knal kalian.... hehehe...
Kak T***, im nt a smart girl, nd multi-talented-girl.....I'm just a 17 years old girl who cannot do anything for this world hahaha ^^
Kak O***, always be low-profile!
Kak A****, always be happy and give yr smile to everybody.. thanks for your hug :)

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

We're The Champion....

"We're the champion, my friends!" I thought it's the right sentence for us!
Well, although I'm just a 16 years old now (will be 17 in July) and lots of people say I have no enough experiences to live this life. But, I feel like a champion. Do know why?
Yes, absolutely right! just because I can controul myself and my whole life! that made me feel proud and feel happy! Sometimes, countrouling our own emotion and feelings are much harder than countrouling others'selves.... We always be a critic, sometimes beofre we critic others we don't look at ourselves in the mirror and asked: Did I do right??

:) So, no matter what happened to us.. WE'RE THE CHAMPION!

Well, I must be a champion among my friends too next week on my exams!!! I MUST STUDY HARD! AND MAKE MY SCHOOL SHOCKED OF MY SCORE! HAHAHAHA :))) GOD BLESS YOU, ALL! I am hoping for a better future for u and for me and to all of the people in the world! :)

Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

My Mom is The Best! :) Love you, Mom!

To be a mother is not an easy task.
You have turned your baby into a beautiful young lady.
You were there for me since the very beginning and saved me countless tears.
The pushy and wise advice you gave will carry me through the years.
With my every mistake or wrongful deed,
you were always there to understand.
You put no limits on my dreams or anything else I wish to do.
You never forget to say you care or that you love me too.
The smile and tears upon your face when I achieve provides me with more value in my heart then you’d ever believe.
There is no other person that will shape my heart the way you’ve done.
You've done lots of precious things to make your daughter and son grow-up.
And now, we're mature enough and it's time for us to face our world by ourselves.
Our (me and bro's) whole lifes is not enough time for me to repay you.
We always put our disagreements to the side and manage to make it through.
I know that my teen years have driven you crazy but you have guided me with assurance along the way.
You have given me comfort and certainty with every breath I take within the day.
Your little girl is growing up but your baby girl will always remain deep inside me.
There are not enough words that can thank you for everything you have helped me emotionally and physically.
I have my whole future ahead of me and you are the woman that has leaded me and guided me towards the proper path.

This is just a lil poem 4 u, Mom... 我爱您,妈妈.... :) GBU
mmmmmmmmuuuaaaaacccchhhhh (big hug nd kiss frm yr Noniek)

He's the best I have

I can live my life now just because of Him.
I can breathing everyday just because of Him.
and because of Him I dare to face all the problems in my life...

God give us unlimited breath, and unlimited love...
He knows what we need just now...
He knows what are necessary for us and what aren't...
He knows everything....
His love has never end....

All we have now are all from Him.....
Those are free gifts from Him...
Breath, Body, Eyes, Nose, Ears, Mouth, Feeling, and Brain...
We can't do anything without them...

Without eyes we can't see lots of things...
We can't see this world...
We can't see beautiful animal..
We also can't see all the people we love..

Jesus, I want to meet U....
I miss U, Lord....
I want to be in your hug....
I know your hug can make me warm and calm down.... :)


MY DRAWING-PICTURE! Am I talented enough? hahaha :)

jiayou, my students at TianXin! :)

Tian Xin is an intitution of Mandarin Learning Centre :) and now, I'm a teacher of it! feel happy being a teacher over there... I got lots of experiences, I can learn from another teachers, and I feel that I'm lucky having a boss like Mr.Hong and Mrs.Nelly... They're funtastic! un-arrogant boss! and they all are warm-hearted.... I<3 TianXin very much...

My students? They are a bit busy with their works, sometimes they don't come to have course because of those tiring-day.... I can understand them.... 1st time I saw them I felt so nervous, but now, they're also warm-hearted, and they can enjoy my class... :) they love talking.... and playing games... hahaha...I always make the game by myself and I hope they could learn Chinese in a fun way, not in difficult-way... sometimes when we get bored, I ask them to have "miming game"... How's the game? uhhmmmm, I divide them into two team. rules is: one of the person in a group must miming what're written in the paper... But, another group can't answer nor guess what was mimed by the person. It's going really funny everytime I ask them to play it! and they looks happy because of some silly action they did...hahaha... :) MIMING IS OUR FAVOURITE GAME!!